![Caglar Yardim](files/name.gif)
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, W. S.
Hodgkiss, and J. Traer, “Compressive geoacoustic inversion using
ambient noise,” J.
Acoust. Soc. Am., submitted, 2013.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, W. S.
Hodgkiss, “Particle smoothers in sequential geoacoustic inversion,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
134, 971-981, doi:10.1121/1.4807819, 2013.
- A. Karimian, C. Yardim, T. Haack, P.
W. S. Hodgkiss, T. Rogers, "Towards assimilation of atmospheric surface
layer using weather prediction and radar clutter observations," J. Appl. Meteor.
Climatol., 52(10), 2345-2355, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-12-0320.1, 2013.
- B. A. Tan, P. Gerstoft, C. Yardim,
and W. S. Hodgkiss,
"Broadband synthetic aperture geoacoustic inversion," J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
131, 312-322, doi:10.1121/1.4807567, 2013.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, Z.-H.
Michalopoulou, “Geophysical signal processing using sequential Bayesian
techniques,” Geophysics,
78, V87-V100, doi:10.1190/geo2012-0180.1, 2013.
- S. Walker, C. Yardim, A. Thode, and
E. Arias-Castro, "Using Fisher information to quantify uncertainty in
environmental parameters estimated from correlated ambient noise," J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
133, EL228-234, doi:10.1121/1.4792836, 2013.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, “Sequential
Bayesian techniques applied to non-volcanic tremor,” J. Geophys. Res.,
117, B10312, doi:10.1029/2012JB009420, 2012.
- A. Karimian, C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft,
W. S. Hodgkiss, and A. E. Barrios, “Multiple grazing angle clutter
modeling,” IEEE Trans.
Propag., 60(9), pp. 4408-4417, doi:10.1109/TAP.2012.2207033,
- A. Karimian, C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft,
W. S. Hodgkiss, and A. E. Barrios, “Estimation of refractivity using a
multiple angle clutter model,” Radio Sci., 47
RS0M07, doi:10.1029/2011RS004701, 2012.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S.
Hodgkiss, “Sequential geoacoustic inversion at the continental
shelfbreak,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131(2),
doi:10.1121/1. 3666012,
- Z.-H.
Michalopoulou, C. Yardim, and P. Gerstoft, “Particle filtering for
passive fathometer tracking,” J.
Acoust. Soc. Am., 131(1), EL74-80,
doi: 10.1121/1.3670004, 2012.
- A. Karimian, C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft,
W. S. Hodgkiss, and A. E. Barrios, “Refractivity estimation from sea
clutter: An invited review,” Radio Sci., 46,
RS6013, doi:10.1029/2011RS004818, 2011.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S.
Hodgkiss, “Range aliasing in frequency coherent geoacoustic inversion,”
Acoust. Soc. Am., 130(4), EL154-160,
- C. Yardim, Z.-H. Michalopoulou,
and P. Gerstoft, “An overview of sequential Bayesian filtering in ocean
acoustics,” IEEE
J. Oceanic Eng., 36(1), pp. 73-91, doi:10.1109/JOE.2010.2098810,
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S.
Hodgkiss, “Geoacoustic and source tracking using particle filtering:
Experimental results,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 128(1),
pp. 75-87, doi:10.1121/1.3438475, 2010.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S.
Hodgkiss, "Tracking of geoacoustic parameters using Kalman and particle
filters", J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
125(2), pp. 746-760, dio:10.1121/1.3050280, 2009.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S.
Hodgkiss, "Sensitivity analysis and performance estimation of
refractivity from clutter technique",
Sci., 44, RS1008, pp. 1-16, doi:10.1029/2008RS003897, 2009.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S.
Hodgkiss, "Tracking
from radar clutter using Kalman and particle filters", IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 56(4), pp. 1058-1070,
doi:10.1109/TAP.2008.919205, 2008.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S.
Hodgkiss, "Statistical maritime
radar duct estimation using a hybrid genetic algorithm-Markov chain
Monte Carlo method", Radio Sci.,
42, RS3014, pp. 1-15, doi:10.1029/2006RS003561, 2007.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S.
Hodgkiss, "Estimation of radio
refractivity from radar clutter using Bayesian Monte Carlo analysis", IEEE Trans. Antennas
vol. 54, pp. 1318-1327, doi:10.1109/TAP.2006.872673,
Conference Papers:
- A. Karimian, C. Yardim, W. S. Hodgkiss, T. Rogers, T. Haack, and
A. Q. Zhao, Atmospheric
Estimation from Radar Clutter Observations and Numerical Weather
Prediction, IEEE Int. Conf. on Wireless Inf. Tech. and Sys., Maui, HI,
November, 2012.
- (URSI Young Scientist Award)
C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S.
Hodgkiss, Effects of Sea Clutter on Atmospheric Refractivity
Estimation, URSI XXIX General Assembly, Chicago, IL, August 2008.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Clutter-Based
Evaporation Duct Estimation Performance Using Meteorological
Statistics, URSI XXIX General Assembly, Chicago, IL, August 2008.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Evaporation Duct
Estimation from Clutter Using Meteorological Statistics, IEEE AP-S
Conference, San Diego, CA, July 2008.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Tracking atmospheric
ducts using radar clutter: Evaporation duct tracking using Kalman
filters, IEEE AP-S Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 2007.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Tracking atmospheric
ducts using radar clutter: Surface-based duct tracking using multiple
model particle filters, IEEE AP-S Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 2007.
- (Invited Paper) C.
Yardim, P. Gerstoft, W. S. Hodgkiss, and Ted
Rogers, Statistical estimation of refractivity from radar sea clutter,
IEEE Radar Con- ference, Waltham, MA, April 2007.
- (Best Student Paper Award)
C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S.
Hodgkiss, Atmospheric refractivity tracking from radar clutter using
Kalman and particle filters, IEEE Radar Conference, Waltham, MA, April
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, W. S. Hodgkiss, and C.-F. Huang,
Refractivity from clutter (RFC) estimation using a hybrid genetic
algorithm - Markov chain Monte Carlo method, IEEE AP-S & USNC/URSI
Conference, Washington DC, July 2005.
- (Invited Paper) C.
Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, A
fast hybrid genetic algorithm-Gibbs sampler approach to estimate
geoacoustic parameter uncertainties, Underwater Acoustic Measurements
Conference, Crete, Greece, June 2005.
- A. Hizal, C. Yardim, and E. Halavut, Wideband tapered rolling
strip antenna, IEEE AP2000 Millennium Conference on Antennas &
Propagation, Davos, Switzerland, April, 2000.
- A. Hizal, E. Halavut, C. Yardim, and A. Celebi, A linear patch
antenna array for adaptive beamforming with a spherical wave incidence,
COST 260 Workshop on Smart Antennas, Aveiro, Portugal, November 1999.
Conference Presentations:
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Passive fathometry
signal pro- cessing, 1st International Conference on Underwater
Acoustics, Corfu, Greece, June 2013.
- C. Yardim, A. Karimian, P. Gerstoft, W. S. Hodgkiss, and T.
Rogers, Integration of refractivity from clutter and numerical weather
prediction, USNC/URSI Conference, Boulder, CO, January 2013.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, Non-volcanic tremor tracking using
sequential Bayesian techniques, AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
December 2012.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. Hodgkiss, Application of smoothing
techniques to sequential geoacoustic inversion,
ASA Meeting, Kansas City, MO, October 2012.
- B. Tan, C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Broadband
synthetic aperture matched field geoacoustic inversion with a single
hydrophone, ASA Meeting, Kansas City, MO, 2012.
- C. Yardim, Z-H. Michalopoulou, P. Gerstoft, Filtering, smoothing,
and multiple models in ocean acoustics, European Conference on
Underwater Acoustics, Edinburg, Scotland, July 2012.
- Z.-H. Michalopoulou, C. Yardim, and P. Gerstoft, Particle
filtering in ocean acoustics and relevant applications, European
Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Edinburg, Scotland, July 2012.
- C. Yardim, A. Karimian, P. Gerstoft, and T. Rogers, Uncertainty
projection between refractivity from clutter and numerical weather
prediction, USNC/URSI Conference, Boulder, CO, January 2012.
- A. Karimian, C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, W. S. Hodgkiss, and A. E.
Barrios, Multiple grazing angle sea clutter modeling, USNC/URSI
Conference, Boulder, CO, January 2012.
- S. C. Walker, C. Yardim, A. Thode, and P. Gerstoft, Performance
of geoacoustic parameter estimation using ambient noise: Aperture, SNR,
and information extraction, AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December
- B. A. Tan, P. Gerstoft, C. Yardim, and W. S. Hodgkiss,
Geoacoustic inversion in shallow water using broadband synthetic
aperture and single hydrophone acoustic data, ASA Meeting, San Diego,
CA, November 2011.
- (Invited Paper) C.
Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss,
Sequential geoacoustic inversion using frequency coherent processing,
ASA Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2011.
- (Invited Paper) C.
Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss,
Sequential Bayesian filtering for seismic tremor location, ASA Meeting,
San Diego, CA, November 2011.
- C. Yardim, Z.-H. Michalopoulou, and P. Gerstoft, Sediment layer
tracking with particle filtering, IEEE Underwater Acoustic Signal
Processing Workshop, West Greenwich, RI, October 2011.
- P. Gerstoft, C. Yardim, Uncertainty propagation using SMC
techniques in ocean acoustics, radars, and seismics, SAMSI Workshop on
Uncertainty Quantifica- tion, Durham, NC, September 2011.
- (Invited Paper) C.
Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and William S. Hodgkiss,
Geoacoustic inversion in the Shallow Water 2006 shelfbreak region using
sequential Bayesian filters, ASA Meeting Seattle, WA, May 2011.
- A. Karimian, C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and William S. Hodgkiss,
Multiple grazing angle clutter estimation in non-standard atmosphere,
USNC-URSI Meeting, Boulder, CO, January 2011.
- C. Yardim, Z.-H. Michalopoulou, and P. Gerstoft, A summary of
filtering ap- proaches in ocean acoustics, 2nd Pan-American/Iberian
Meeting on Acoustics, Cancun, Mexico, November 2010.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Array and frequency
coherence in geoacoustic inversion, ONR Shallow Water’06 Workshop, San
Francisco, CA, September 2010.
- (Invited Paper) C.
Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss,
Bayesian filters in ocean acoustic applications, European Conference on
Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2010.
- (Invited Paper) S.
Rakotonarivo, J.-F. Bourillet, and C. Yardim,
Estimation of sediment parameters from sub-bottom profiling data with
genetic algorithm approach, European Conference on Underwater
Acoustics, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2010.
- (Invited Paper) C.
Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Array
and frequency coherent processing in geoacoustic inversion and
tracking, European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul,
Turkey, July 2010.
- C. Yardim, Experimental demonstration of geoacoustic tracking
using particle filters, ASA Meeting, San Antonio, TX, October 2009.
- (Invited Paper) Z.-H.
Michalopoulou, Peter Gerstoft, and Caglar
Yardim, Overview of Kalman and particle filters for acoustic
applications, ASA Meeting, San Antonio, TX, October 2009.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Particle filter
source tracking in changing geoacoustic environment, ASA Meeting
Portland, OR, April 2009.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Environmental
parameter tracking with SMC techniques in ocean acoustics and radar
applications, SAMSI Workshop on Sequential Monte Carlo Methods, Durham,
NC, February 2009.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Kalman and particle
filtering for geoacoustic parameter tracking, ONR Shallow Water’06
Workshop, Austin, TX, February 2009.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Geoacoustic Tracking,
ASA Meeting, Miami, FL, November 2008.
- (Invited Paper) P.
Gerstoft, C. Yardim, and W. S. Hodgkiss,
Geoacoustic Environment Tracking Using Kalman and Particle Filters,
Acoustics’08 Con- ference, Paris, France, June 2008.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Error variance
estimation in Bayesian refractivity from clutter inversion, USNC/URSI
Conference, Boulder, CO, January 2006.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Estimation of radio
refractivity from clutter using Bayesian Monte Carlo analysis,
USNC/URSI Conference, Boulder, CO, January 2005.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, Uncertainty analysis
in the refractivity from clutter (RFC) problem, IEEE AP-S &
USNC/URSI Conference, Monterey, CA, June 2004.
- E. J. Sullivan, Z.-H.
Michalopoulou, and C. Yardim, “Model-based ocean acoustic signal
processing,” Acou.
Today, 7(3), pp. 8-16, doi:10.1121/1.3658274,
- C. Yardim, Ph.D. Dissertation,
Statistical Estimation and
Tracking of Refractivity from Clutter, 2007.
- C. Yardim and P. Gerstoft,
Applicability Analysis of Refractivity
From Clutter (RFC) Method in Various Seas for Existing Radar Systems,
Joint MPL/UCSD - Lockheed Martin (LM) Project Report, December 2005.
- C. Yardim, M.S. Thesis, Design and
Construction of Annular Sector
Radiating Line (ANSERLIN), Microstrip Helix Radiating Line (MISHERLIN),
and Tapered Rolling Strip (TAROS) Antennas, 2001.