SAGA is an inversion software package for ocean acoustic and atmospheric electromagnetic environments. It integrates state-of-the art propagation codes with state-of-the art optimization and inversion codes.

Download SAGA

Saga can be downloaded from Github (December 2015, with Haiqiang Niu)

Jumpstart SAGA

A detailed description for a new user to get acquainted with SAGA. The documentation is the Users Guide available below.
Download Jumpstart SAGA (pdf) and the accompanying examples (tar file). (July 2006)

SAGA Users Guide

P. Gerstoft, "SAGA Users guide 5.5, an inversion software package," , October 2007.
this is an updated version of "SAGA Users guide 2.0, an inversion software package"; SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, SM--333, La Spezia, Italy (1997)


1-D (diagonal) and 2-D marginal posterior distributions for a self-noise inversion using Gibbs sampling. For more details see the papers by Battle et al, 2004.

The word SAGA stems from Icelandic and simply means a story. A saga is usually understood a prosaic long story from the middle ages. It tends to go on forever. Scientifically it stands for Seismo-Acoustic inversion using Genetic Algorithms.
