Principles of Underwater sound, December 2017


This class will investigate underwater sound from a computational point of view. We will initially focus on the basic propagation in the ocean wave guide in both frequency and time domain. In the last part of the course will focus on ocean noise and source localization.

Professor Peter Gerstoft,
Professor Jiang Zhu, email
Teaching Assistant Hangting Cao,
Teaching Assistant Qiumeng Yuan.

We meet in Zhoushan campus in Zhejian University, room 334

Main Text: Computational Ocean Acoustics, by Finn Jensen, F.B., Kuperman, W.A., Porter, M.B., Schmidt, H., 2011

Big plan

Each week we meet:
Mon 8-9:35
Mon 18:30-20:55
Tue 8-9:35
Tue 18:30-20:55
Thu 15:55-17:30
The first two week focus on ocean wave propagation, Chapter 1-2 and part of 4.
Third week on pulse propagation
Forth week on beamforming, matched field. In the first 2 weeks each group gives a presentaion (a group is 3 people). These can be either on a free topic or science questions given by the professor. For the free presentations:
Max 1 slide per peson.
Time between 1:30 to 2 min.
No words you dont understand.
Copying is OK, but give source. Likely better to do your own.
No phone or notes, have the notes on the slide.


    week 1:
  1. class1: TL (1.3.4), Lloyd mirror (1.4.2),
  2. class2 Snells law, 1.6 Reflection coefficient. Computer homework2
  3. class3 wave eq., Helmholtz 2.0-2.3
  4. class4 Layered media 2.4-2.4.1, Ch 4.Appendix
  5. class5 Discussion 1, part 1. Ch 4.Appendix. Computer homework3, homework4
    week 2:
  6. class6 Discussion 1, part 2 and 3,homework, homework4
  7. Class7: Monday evening. Each group gives a question in material so far.
  8. Class8 Tuesday morning. Review . Problem 4
  9. Class9 Tuesday evening Discussion 2. Ideal wave guide, ch 2.4. Each group give a question in material so far.
  10. Class10 Thursday beamforming, chapter 10.1-10.3.1. Each group give a question in material so far. Homework.
    week 3:
  11. Class11: Tuesday morning. beamforming, chapter 10.1-10.3 beamform, conventional and MVDR.
  12. Class12 Tuesday evening. Group 1-4 present. Homework4 & 5 solution. beamforming MVDR, chapter 10.1-10.3. Computer homework5
  13. Class13 Thursday morning. More beamformig, homework6,
  14. Class14 Thursday afternoon, beamforming and noise, Chapter, 2.4.5.. Homework 6
    week 4:
  15. Class15: Mon morning. Matched field 10.6. Attenuation, see homework 7.
  16. Class16 Mon evening.
  17. Class16 Tue morning. Using Noise. Passive Fathometer, homework 8
  18. Class16 Tue evening. Using Noise.
  19. Class17 Thursday afternoon. Using Noise.
  20. Class20 Friday small exercises, homework 8.
  21. Class21 Friday Special lecture
Just email the code to you must ask a question!
  • 20 Dec: Hw 2: Is here Problem 2 and 3
  • 22 Dec: Hw 3: Is here Problem 2 and 3
  • 30 Dec: Hw 4: Is here Problem 4 matlab codecsqrt
  • 3 Jan: Hw 5: Is here Problem 5
  • 8 Jan: Hw 6: Is here Problem 6 and 7
  • 9 Jan: Hw 7: Is here Problem 6 and 7
  • 17 Jan: Hw 8: Is here Problem 8 (20 MB zip file). A reference paper Gerstoft et al. (2008), Passive fathometer processing, J Acoust. Soc. Am, 123, 1297-1305. (PDF)